Friday, January 13, 2023

 I've been unable to do much construction on RoBob in 2022 (and 2021 for that matter!) because of terrible weather. If it isn't raining, it blistering hot or freezing cold.

Instead I've been working on some of the models for RoBob's fictional premier film appearance "Deadly Planet".  This is the large model spaceship BR-549.  I had worked out the design years ago, then as I was working on sculpting two small models of it, I re-discovered a plastic dinner plate I had bought should I ever want to make a flying saucer :)

Here's the fiberglass casting I made for the top of the ship...

The "mold" for it is a heavy, flexible, plastic plate used for picnics. Anything made from polyethylene, the same kind of plastic as Tupperware can be used as a mold as long as it doesn't have undercuts or anything that would prevent easy removal of a casting.
I typically never need mold release for casting in this kind of plastic, so I made a "poor man's Gel-coat" and got started building up layers of resin and glass matting until I felt it was thick enough... 
And NO, I am not that good at fiber-glassing, the photo shows the casting laying back inside the plate after I removed and trimmed the outer edges. I know, I am a total fraud ;)
 The casting after removal, trimming and priming... 

For the bottom, I used a 1/4" sheet of MDF and used my router and circle-cutting jig to cut a 9.5" disk...

Then I ran the disk over the table saw with the blade lowered, so I could cut two trenches in the surface... I could glue in two aluminum tubes for wires to pass through for flying the model :)
More later....

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